Strawberry Fields Pima Cotton Polo


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Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to run through the strawberry fields on Nantucket Island. Her mother would watch her dance in the sun, her pink dress fluttering in the breeze. One day, Lily's mother surprised her with a Nantucket Girls Strawberry Fields Pima Cotton Polo shirt in White with a ruffle berry collar and Puff Sleeves. Lily twirled in the soft cotton, feeling like a princess in her own strawberry kingdom. The shirt was so comfortable and durable that it lasted all summer long, through all of Lily's adventures. Now, every time Lily sees a field of strawberries, she remembers that magical summer and her special shirt.

As a mom, you want your little girl to have the best memories and experiences. That's why the Nantucket Girls Strawberry Fields Pima Cotton Polo shirt is the perfect choice. It's not just a top, it's a memory waiting to happen. Shop our shirt to give your little girl a strawberry experience she'll never forget.

Details & Dimensions
  • Material: Pima Cotton

  • Color: Strawberry Fields

Shipping + Returns
  • All orders are processed in 24 hours. For standard shipping please allow 5-7 business days for delivery. Please select either 2-day shipping or next-day air at checkout for expedited shipping options. We offer the following flat rate shipping:

  • Standard Shipping: $7
  • UPS 2nd Day Expedited: $15
  • UPS Next Day Air: $30
  • Please email if you have any additional questions.

    For more information see our Shipping + Returns.