Jack Button Down Shirt in Light Blue Microstripe


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Introducing the "Jack Button-Down" shirt, born from a story as timeless as its design. Jack, on his first day of school amidst the clamor of new beginnings, noticed a boy sitting in the corner, feeling out of place. Wearing his crisp button-down shirt, Jack approached confidently and extended his hand, saying, "We're in this together."

Every fiber of this shirt embodies Jack's spirit of brotherhood. Its classic design, coupled with nuances of today's fashion, resonates not just with style, but also with values of camaraderie and courage. When your young one wears the Jack Button-Down, he's not just donning a shirt, he's carrying forward Jack's legacy.

And, in staying true to Jack’s beliefs, every purchase contributes towards fostering unity and understanding in schools everywhere. Because, much like Jack, we believe that every school day should begin with friendship and end in shared memories.

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  • Standard Shipping: $7
  • UPS 2nd Day Expedited: $15
  • UPS Next Day Air: $30
  • Please email hello@nanducket.com if you have any additional questions.

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